FAQ Science, Religion, and the Vatican Observatory
From Sputnik to Spaceship Earth: American Catholics and the Space Age
Exopolitics Journal
Potential Cultural Impact: Studies, Polls, and Protocols
Societal Impact of Space Flight Part 1
Societal Impact of Space Flight Part 2
Regarding Carl Jung's focus on the psychological impact
The New American Religion of UFOs
Alien Demonology: The Christian Roots of the Malevolent ET in UFO Religions and Abduction Spiritualities
The Study of UFO Religions
About UFO Religions
Revisiting the Alexander UFO Religious Crisis Survey: Is There Really a Crisis?
Flying Saucers and Multiple Realities
Occam's Beard: Belief, Disbelief, and Contested Meanings in American UFOlogy
The UFO Contact Movement
Sex! Aliens! Harvard? Rhetorical Boundary Work in the Media (A Case Study of the Role of Journalists in the Social Construction of Scientific Authority
A History of Government Management of UFO Perceptions through Film and Television
2021 Pew Poll: Most Americans Believe in Intelligent Life Beyond Earth
UFO Religious Movements
Secularity, Synchronicity, and Uncanny Science: Considerations and Challenges
Chapter 1: The Supernatural in Society, Culture, and History
Saucers and the Sacred: The Folklore of UFO Narratives
What Would Life Beyond Earth Mean for Christians?
New Religious UFO Movements: Extraterrestrials Salvation in Modern America
How Would Humans Respond to the Discovery of Aliens? NASA enlisted dozens of religious scholars to find out.
See also: Gods, Angels, and Demons Hypothesis
See also: Talking Points
See also: Psychology
See also: Religious Texts, Folklore, and Legends
Love Thy Extraterrestrial Neighbor
If We Made Contact with Aliens, How Would Religions React?
Belief in Aliens May be Religious Impulse
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